The Importance Of Emotional Intelligence During a Job Interview

You go to a job interview ready to talk about your professional achievements. However, the hiring manager may have something more in mind. A growing number of companies are trying to evaluate candidates in terms of emotional intelligence.

Emotional intelligence refers to understanding and dealing with your feelings, and those of others. It includes skills like self-regulation and empathy.

Companies are smart to look for these traits because they make you more pleasant to be around. They also increase the likelihood that you’ll be responsible and successful. That may be why 71% of employers value emotional intelligence more than standard IQ scores, according to a survey by CareerBuilder.

How can you demonstrate your people skills to a stranger in less than an hour? Try these suggestions for developing and demonstrating emotional intelligence.
Suggestions for Developing Emotional Intelligence:
Live mindfully. Increase your self-awareness. Meditate daily or keep a journal that will help you track your thoughts. Be honest with yourself, and take responsibility for your choices.
Name your feelings. Expand your vocabulary. Knowing what to call your feelings can make it easier to process them. Notice the difference between boredom and loneliness. Calculate the intensity of your delight or discomfort.
Manage impulses. Think before you act. Pausing or shifting your attention decreases the risk of doing something you’ll regret later.
Be proactive. Psychologists use the term agency to describe your ability to recognize and change your environment. Take charge of your life, and learn to be more assertive.
Think positive. A cheerful attitude reduces stress and makes you more popular. Look for solutions instead of complaining about a setback.
Help others. Giving encourages happiness and a healthy perspective. Volunteer in your community, and practice random acts of kindness.

Suggestions for Displaying Emotional lIntelligence During a Job Interview:

Companies may try to measure your emotional intelligence with psychological tests and strategic questions. Be prepared to make a positive impression.

Rehearse your responses. Questions about emotional intelligence often require significant thought, and a detailed description about how you would handle specific challenges. Identify some relevant stories, and practice telling them to a friend who will give you constructive feedback.
Listen attentively. Focus on what others are saying, even when you’re nervous. Make eye contact and appropriate facial expressions.
Mind your manners. Consideration for others is part of emotional intelligence. Show up on time, and send thank you notes after each job interview.
Emphasize growth. It’s natural to have weaknesses. Employers want to know what you’re doing to overcome them. Tell them how you learn from experience, and acquire new qualifications.
Discuss conflict. Challenging situations put emotional intelligence to the test. Give examples of the times you reassured an unhappy client or resolved disagreements with a colleague.
Show enthusiasm. Employers may want to know about your motivation too. Think about why you chose your career path, and what made you apply for the current opening. Show you’re excited about this opportunity.
Ask questions. Come prepared with some inquiries of our own. Explore the office culture, and find out more about the top priorities of your future boss.

The benefits of emotional intelligence go far beyond just landing a job offer. Developing these skills can enhance your mental and physical wellbeing, and strengthen your relationships. Becoming more aware and empathetic will enrich your personal and professional life.

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